An 11 years old boy in Boston developed a Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). According to his mother, Cathy, was at the end of June in 2005, when his son developed a cough, which usually occurs during sleep, and even during the day. It is only a short dry cough symptoms. His pediatrician thought it was only allergy, however, when his son was tested, results showed that his son had no allergy. According to her, was her son's asthma that relates to GERD.
Studies show that GERD is also normal for infants and children as in adults, although this fact is often overlooked. The symptoms come in continuous illness, cough and other respiratory problems.
Children are vulnerable to GERD because of their immature digestive system. The truth is, most babies grow out of GERD once they reach the age of one year of age.
Specialized doctors, moreover, that the symptoms of children can enter the difficulty swallowing food, or failure to grow. The doctors recommended that, in a situation like this it is better to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach of the child before he could give rise to acid reflux, because this illness is very curable in children.
However, the doctor suggests some methods to prevent acid reflux in children, an example is the child several times during belching food, or let the child stay in an upright position for 30 minutes after feeding.
Although, for a child ages and up to three, doctors suggested to keep them away from soft drinks, including caffeine, such as soft drinks, soft drinks, spicy foods, such as mint, acidic foods like citrus fruits, too much chocolate and fried and fatty foods. Ideally, the establishment of a habit of healthy eating diet can actually reduce acid reflux in children.
It also suggests that younger children eat meals before bedtime, if possible, do not allow them to eat two to three hours before bedtime, too, raising the head of your bed for at least 30 degrees.
Other treatments include the use of H2 blockers, which is available at any drug store. Prevacid, proton plump inhibitors, can also be used in treating acid flux for children.
However, if these treatments not to stop the symptoms, other treatment method needs to be done. It is very unusual, but doctors recommended surgery, this is so far the best treatment for the symptoms that do not already implacable against other treatments.
Esophageal reflux surgery for children has been designated for children who have failed medical treatment, surgery and continuing it is essential that the child grows.
Now, if you get confused if when it's time to consult a doctor about acid reflux. The answer is to observe, monitor the amounts of vomiting of the child, and if it comes in green or yellow or appears to be like blood or coffee, there is difficulty breathing after vomiting, and there is pain upon swallowing, immediately consult a pediatrician before the symptom worsens.
Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of this disease, stay away from the habit of lean forward after eating, or worse, sleeping after taking a large amount of food.
Take note, advanced acid reflux disease has a great chance to put an end to serious medical complications, which can lead to hospitalization.
Being alive for possible symptoms so as not to overlook it. Take care of their children.